
Allow our customs declarants to guide you through this complex process, saving you time and ensuring the successful transport and delivery of your goods to the final destination.

Customs clearance is a complex and variable process accompanied by strict - rules, regulations and procedures

Our customs declarants have many years of experience and knowledge of all rules, regulations and legislations. They constantly monitor all changes in the area of customs clearance of goods, to successfully deal with all challenges in the area of customs procedures. At the same time, we can process all customs documents and calculate the customs costs precisely and accurately.

We are experts in the transportation of textile, but we also transfer any type of cargo, palletized and non-palletized, toxic materials-ADR, groupage transport and direct loads. When it comes to the transportation of textile clothing, Bomi 10 Logistics is a leading company in North Macedonia. We own more than 30 types of trailers for this type of transportation that are specifically equipped for transportation of hanging garments.

Within the scope of customs interventions and representation,


offers you the following services:

For the above-mentioned procedures, we have all the necessary bank guarantees for the release of goods into free sales and transit and we make payments for all types of inspections and administrative fees, in order to reduce the time lag and the goods to reach the final destination as soon as possible.

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Our goal is to support the growth of companies that choose us as their associates. We constantly strive to meet the needs of our customers and focus on responding to all requests for improvement